LING889A   (1 credit)                
Professional Methods
Fall 2020

Upload links   [[For safety reasons, only pdfs can be uploaded.]]
Week by week topics and tasks (Subject to change. Check this site frequently.)

Sept. 2     Course overview
Sept. 9     CVs  Upload a draft of yours. Here are some suggestions  and here is a useful link.
Here's an interesting guide to Locating and Applying for Linguistics Jobs in both the Academic and Private Sectors. It has sections on CVs as well as several of our other major topics.
Sept. 16   More on CVs.
If there's time, we'll start on web sites. If you have never done any web page designing, a fairly intuitive tool is Adobe Dreamweaver, available to students through Adobe’s Creative Cloud, which can be found at   Take a look at web sites of members of the dept. to get some ideas.
Once you have created a site, or a draft of one, send me the url, or put it on the list in the shared folder yourself.
Sept. 23   Web sites
Also, look for appropriate job ads and begin working on draft of application letter to upload. Here's a HO of mine on cover letters, here's an article from The Chronicle of Higher Education.  (Unfortunately, the links to sample letters in this pdf don't work, but the advice offered is generally good.) And here's an excerpt on cover letters, including one sample, from U. of Texas Academic Job Search Handbook.
Sept. 30   Finish discussion of web sites. Application cover letters. Upload a draft (and accompanying job ad).
Oct. 7  Finish discussion of application letters. Do first draft of "Dean's question" answer. (You can find samples from 2018 in the Uploaded stuff link on this site.)
-Link to UCI guide to "Inclusive Excellence Activities Statement"
Oct. 14  Dean's question answers. Upload yours before class. Look at those from previous years for ideas. You will want to convey (or at least hint) what the field and your corner of it is about, why it's intersting and important, and what your particular contribution is (all to someone who most likely never even had Ling 101).
Oct. 21   We will finish discussion of Dean's question answers. Then departmental interview practice. Bring in your questions. All of you will be interviewers, and, in turn, interviewees. Our wiki has some ideas to get you started on interview questions.
Oct. 28    More interviews. Also, start working on your Research Statement. Upload your draft by   Oct. 31. You can see Omer's and students' ones from 2018 in the folder linked above. And here are some general suggestions: Dr. Karen's Rules of the Research Statement  <In our field, 3 pages is a pretty typical length.>
Nov. 4   Mock interview (ARHU Associate Dean Daryle Williams will conduct the interviews with Tyler and Aaron and offer suggestions).
Nov. 11  Final departmental interviews. Research Statements. Upload yours in advance, and look at the others prior to class.
Nov. 18  More Research Statements. Upload yours by Nov. 16. Read all of them before Nov. 18.
Dec. 2
   Really final departmental interviews. Research Statements.
Dec. 9    Last class meeting. Research Statements.

Administrative note: If for some reason you need more than one credit for the course, talk to me.

Meeting time:

W 3:15pm - 4:45pm
Room MMH 1401G

Howard Lasnik, instructor

1106 Marie Mount Hall
<lasnik [AT] UMD [DOT] edu>
(301) 405-4929

Office hours: Check with me by e-mail. We can set up a Zoom or Skype meeting most any time except Tuesdays 12:30-4:30 and Thursdays 2:00-3:30.

Course description

Topics will include:

-Writing a CV
-Creating/revising your web site; more general web presence considerations
-Writing a job application letter
-Requesting letters of recommendation
-Giving a job talk
   with the search committee
   with the dean  [Associate Dean Daryle Williams will conduct an interview with a volunteer]
-Writing letters of recommendation
And a selection of the following, based on students' interests:
-Non-academic professional possibilities
-Balancing professional and personal life
-Submitting an article to a journal
   Responding to reviewers' comments and criticisms

-Reviewing a journal submission
-Submitting an abstract to a conference
-Preparing a handout for a conference presentation or job talk
-Giving the presentation (and responding to questions)
-Being an impressive audience member at a talk
-Teaching techniques
-Research statements
-Teaching statements

useful links
pdf locker